Student Organization Donations

Galveston County Aggie Moms’ Club (GCAM) is excited to set aside funds acquired through its fundraising efforts to donate to campus Student Lead Organizations/Clubs throughout the year. These funds are available to organizations and clubs on both the Galveston campus and College Station campus.  Requests will only be considered once a completed request form is received. May and summer requests will be considered on a case by case basis.   Please complete all information requested. Once submitted, the GCAM board will review requests, and vote based on, but not limited to: the number of requests received, fund availability, number of students impacted, the purpose of the activity, and the organization’s ability to show that it is actively seeking funding from other sources as well. This form can also be obtained on the TAMUG Campus through the Office of Student Affairs (Shelley Fordyce). 

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Contact Name
Advisor's Name

Organization or Student Activity Details

How Often Do You Meet?
If This is For A Specific Event, Please Give Us The Date / Time of the Event
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Other Aggie Moms Clubs have different processes and may not be distributing funds. To contact another club and learn about their donation policies, please visit the Federation of Aggie Moms. To narrow your request to clubs in the Houston/Galveston area (DISTRICT 6), please visit the District 6 site.

Question?  Please email: